Sweet Potato Miracles

 may peace be upon you

Sweet potato is a popular root. It grows abundantly everywhere in India and Pakistan.

Although it is delicious to eat and contains valuable nutrients, it is affordable in terms of cost.

Hence rich people are less attracted to it. However, poor people eat with great enthusiasm.

Apparently a combination of starch and sugar.

In fact, these things are the main component of sweet potatoes

But it also contains other subtle ingredients. Therefore, it contains vitamin A in sufficient quantity and iron and some other mineral components are also found in it after chemical experiment.

So sweet potato is a combination of nutrients that provide nutrition and energy to the body.

In terms of nutrition, it is superior to potato.

Although the poor people, especially those living in villages, eat it eagerly to meet their nutritional deficiency, if the urban dwellers also eat it in times of food shortage, it can help to solve the problem of food shortage. .

Sweet potatoes are usually eaten boiled in water. While boiling, only enough water should be added to it which is enough to make it rot.

When the sweet potato is rotten, take it out of the pot and eat the sweet potato half-warm.

In addition to boiling in water, sweet potatoes are also eaten by roasting them. The method is to press the sweet potatoes in very hot sand or in hot ash. When the sweet potatoes are cooked, they are taken out and eaten by peeling them.

There is no doubt that sweet potato roasted in this way is comparatively tastier, but roasting in this way takes more pains than boiling it.

Which is not easily possible in every home.

Useful and delicious sweet potato halwa:

Some people also make sweet potato halwa and eat it.

This halwa nourishes and strengthens the body. Here's how to make it:

Cut sweet potato finely and dry it, then sieve it and make flour. Take one teaspoon of this flour every morning and fry it in one teaspoon of desi ghee and add three teaspoons of sugar to prepare halwa.

If desired, add finely chopped almonds, pistachio nuts and coconut.

Apart from this, halwa can also be made from boiled or roasted yams.

Take the boiled yam as required and clean it from the peel and fibers and fry it in ghee, then add sugar and continue to prepare halwa.

Its further advantages are as follows:

Gives strength to the mind.

Makes the body fat.

It thickens semen by eating kheer mixed with milk.

*Quot Bah strengthens provided it is eaten with sugar.

Very useful for flow.

Eating it by making halwa has the status of an elixir.

Along with these benefits as follows

There are also disadvantages:

It is constipating, so friends with weak stomach should not use it.

Sometimes it causes bloating in the stomach.

It makes the body fat, not suitable for office workers.

It is slow digesting, however, if it is eaten with sugar or honey, then this feature is lost.


 It should be used with black pepper and salt etc. Diabetics should not consume sweet potato.

Similarly, heart patients should not use it.

However, chewing a little fennel after consuming yam will remove its side effects

But abstinence is abstinence.


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